
Čelebić Recreativo company was established in 2012 in Podgorica, as a part of the Čelebić Holding. The company’s primary activity is catering. The number of employed workers and facilities managed by the company has been significantly increased since, while the visibility of the brand itself has been developed. The Čelebić Recreativo, with around 105 employees and eight facilities, belongs to the very top of catering business. In the short period of time since incorporation, the company has quickly developed, and as the bases for its corporate management it has set values such as freedom of operation, creativity, trust and solidarity.

 Under the Čelebić Recreativo umbrella, the four organisational units are active:

1. Terminal 4 – restaurant

2. Terminal 4 Rooftop-lounge bar

4. Terminal 5 – rooftop and billiard club

6. Sport Club – restaurant

7. Sport Club Catering – catering for workers

Ilija Bojanić

Ilija Bojanić

Executive director

Buzz: buzz.office@celebic.com 068/808-809; Facebook
Terminal: 068/001-444; Facebook
Sport Club: sport.club@celebic.com 068/809-029; Facebook
Zujalica: 068/804-888
Terminal bake bar – Donja Gorica